This Second Saturday, come out an Celebrate Creativity
- New Murals will be painted on Wave Street. Sponsored by Projectivity
- There will be Artist/Vendors/Face Painters and Crafters set up
- Live music performances will begin at 2pm
- Interactive Photo shoot in the Hub17 Studio
73 Wave Street, Staten island New York 10304
Performance Schedule
7:00 - MDXV
7:15 - Brand NU
7:45 - Allan Ali
8:00 - itsVR
8:15 - MDot
8:30 - Dielan
2:00 - Plastiq Passions
3:00 - MIA Presents
4:30 - Donnie Lax
4:45 - Paul Marz
5:00 - SKRAM
5:15 - DICE
5:30 - DruGunn$
5:45 - Father Sha
6:00 - SITH
6:15 - Prema777
6:30 - iNTeLL
6:45 - Bobby Briz